Auction Catalog

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Help us fund academic excellence at Thornhill! Each "purchase" donates $100 -- buy as many as you like to donate as much as you'd like!


Thornhill Elementary School is known for our high academic standards. In fact, Thornhill ranked 4th out of all OUSD Elementary Schools in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participate in the OUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Unfortunately, OUSD doesn’t have differentiated curriculum for these students. While some students need further support to get up to grade level, many could benefit from advanced academic challenge. Our goal is to be the highest performing school in OUSD by challenging and meeting the needs of all our students.


With this year’s fund-a-need drive, we want to raise academic excellence in ALL students by hiring an Intervention Specialist to work with kids needing a boost AND those needing further challenge. Specifically, this person would provide support with Reading, Writing and Math.


Currently, Thornhill students have access to a part-time specialist, 2-days a week. For every $7000 we raise, we gain the opportunity to add another day of services. That equates to an additional 15-20 children who would receive the help they need to succeed. How far can we go?

Help us fund academic excellence at Thornhill! Each "purchase" donates $100 -- buy as many as you like to donate as much as you'd like!


Thornhill Elementary School is known for our high academic standards. In fact, Thornhill ranked 4th out of all OUSD Elementary Schools in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participate in the OUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Unfortunately, OUSD doesn’t have differentiated curriculum for these students. While some students need further support to get up to grade level, many could benefit from advanced academic challenge. Our goal is to be the highest performing school in OUSD by challenging and meeting the needs of all our students.


With this year’s fund-a-need drive, we want to raise academic excellence in ALL students by hiring an Intervention Specialist to work with kids needing a boost AND those needing further challenge. Specifically, this person would provide support with Reading, Writing and Math.


Currently, Thornhill students have access to a part-time specialist, 2-days a week. For every $7000 we raise, we gain the opportunity to add another day of services. That equates to an additional 15-20 children who would receive the help they need to succeed. How far can we go?

Help us fund academic excellence at Thornhill! Each "purchase" donates $100 -- buy as many as you like to donate as much as you'd like!


Thornhill Elementary School is known for our high academic standards. In fact, Thornhill ranked 4th out of all OUSD Elementary Schools in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participate in the OUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Unfortunately, OUSD doesn’t have differentiated curriculum for these students. While some students need further support to get up to grade level, many could benefit from advanced academic challenge. Our goal is to be the highest performing school in OUSD by challenging and meeting the needs of all our students.


With this year’s fund-a-need drive, we want to raise academic excellence in ALL students by hiring an Intervention Specialist to work with kids needing a boost AND those needing further challenge. Specifically, this person would provide support with Reading, Writing and Math.


Currently, Thornhill students have access to a part-time specialist, 2-days a week. For every $7000 we raise, we gain the opportunity to add another day of services. That equates to an additional 15-20 children who would receive the help they need to succeed. How far can we go?

Help us fund academic excellence at Thornhill! Each "purchase" donates $25 -- buy as many as you like to donate as much as you'd like!


Thornhill Elementary School is known for our high academic standards. In fact, Thornhill ranked 4th out of all OUSD Elementary Schools in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participate in the OUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Unfortunately, OUSD doesn’t have differentiated curriculum for these students. While some students need further support to get up to grade level, many could benefit from advanced academic challenge. Our goal is to be the highest performing school in OUSD by challenging and meeting the needs of all our students.


With this year’s fund-a-need drive, we want to raise academic excellence in ALL students by hiring an Intervention Specialist to work with kids needing a boost AND those needing further challenge. Specifically, this person would provide support with Reading, Writing and Math.


Currently, Thornhill students have access to a part-time specialist, 2-days a week. For every $7000 we raise, we gain the opportunity to add another day of services. That equates to an additional 15-20 children who would receive the help they need to succeed. How far can we go?

Help us fund academic excellence at Thornhill! Each "purchase" donates $25 -- buy as many as you like to donate as much as you'd like!


Thornhill Elementary School is known for our high academic standards. In fact, Thornhill ranked 4th out of all OUSD Elementary Schools in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participate in the OUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Unfortunately, OUSD doesn’t have differentiated curriculum for these students. While some students need further support to get up to grade level, many could benefit from advanced academic challenge. Our goal is to be the highest performing school in OUSD by challenging and meeting the needs of all our students.


With this year’s fund-a-need drive, we want to raise academic excellence in ALL students by hiring an Intervention Specialist to work with kids needing a boost AND those needing further challenge. Specifically, this person would provide support with Reading, Writing and Math.


Currently, Thornhill students have access to a part-time specialist, 2-days a week. For every $7000 we raise, we gain the opportunity to add another day of services. That equates to an additional 15-20 children who would receive the help they need to succeed. How far can we go?

Help us fund academic excellence at Thornhill! Each "purchase" donates $25 -- buy as many as you like to donate as much as you'd like!


Thornhill Elementary School is known for our high academic standards. In fact, Thornhill ranked 4th out of all OUSD Elementary Schools in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participate in the OUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Unfortunately, OUSD doesn’t have differentiated curriculum for these students. While some students need further support to get up to grade level, many could benefit from advanced academic challenge. Our goal is to be the highest performing school in OUSD by challenging and meeting the needs of all our students.


With this year’s fund-a-need drive, we want to raise academic excellence in ALL students by hiring an Intervention Specialist to work with kids needing a boost AND those needing further challenge. Specifically, this person would provide support with Reading, Writing and Math.


Currently, Thornhill students have access to a part-time specialist, 2-days a week. For every $7000 we raise, we gain the opportunity to add another day of services. That equates to an additional 15-20 children who would receive the help they need to succeed. How far can we go?

Help us fund academic excellence at Thornhill! Each "purchase" donates $50 -- buy as many as you like to donate as much as you'd like!


Thornhill Elementary School is known for our high academic standards. In fact, Thornhill ranked 4th out of all OUSD Elementary Schools in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participate in the OUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Unfortunately, OUSD doesn’t have differentiated curriculum for these students. While some students need further support to get up to grade level, many could benefit from advanced academic challenge. Our goal is to be the highest performing school in OUSD by challenging and meeting the needs of all our students.


With this year’s fund-a-need drive, we want to raise academic excellence in ALL students by hiring an Intervention Specialist to work with kids needing a boost AND those needing further challenge. Specifically, this person would provide support with Reading, Writing and Math.


Currently, Thornhill students have access to a part-time specialist, 2-days a week. For every $7000 we raise, we gain the opportunity to add another day of services. That equates to an additional 15-20 children who would receive the help they need to succeed. How far can we go?

Help us fund academic excellence at Thornhill! Each "purchase" donates $50 -- buy as many as you like to donate as much as you'd like!


Thornhill Elementary School is known for our high academic standards. In fact, Thornhill ranked 4th out of all OUSD Elementary Schools in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participate in the OUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Unfortunately, OUSD doesn’t have differentiated curriculum for these students. While some students need further support to get up to grade level, many could benefit from advanced academic challenge. Our goal is to be the highest performing school in OUSD by challenging and meeting the needs of all our students.


With this year’s fund-a-need drive, we want to raise academic excellence in ALL students by hiring an Intervention Specialist to work with kids needing a boost AND those needing further challenge. Specifically, this person would provide support with Reading, Writing and Math.


Currently, Thornhill students have access to a part-time specialist, 2-days a week. For every $7000 we raise, we gain the opportunity to add another day of services. That equates to an additional 15-20 children who would receive the help they need to succeed. How far can we go?

Help us fund academic excellence at Thornhill! Each "purchase" donates $50 -- buy as many as you like to donate as much as you'd like!


Thornhill Elementary School is known for our high academic standards. In fact, Thornhill ranked 4th out of all OUSD Elementary Schools in the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test. Many of our 4th and 5th grade students participate in the OUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Unfortunately, OUSD doesn’t have differentiated curriculum for these students. While some students need further support to get up to grade level, many could benefit from advanced academic challenge. Our goal is to be the highest performing school in OUSD by challenging and meeting the needs of all our students.


With this year’s fund-a-need drive, we want to raise academic excellence in ALL students by hiring an Intervention Specialist to work with kids needing a boost AND those needing further challenge. Specifically, this person would provide support with Reading, Writing and Math.


Currently, Thornhill students have access to a part-time specialist, 2-days a week. For every $7000 we raise, we gain the opportunity to add another day of services. That equates to an additional 15-20 children who would receive the help they need to succeed. How far can we go?

"3 Amigos" Handymen for a Day

Michael Bardales

A month of gym access

Montclair Fitness

Hand-caught abalone dinner with ...

Sara Floyd and Jim Mead & Dan and Kacey Bridgman

A truly special and personal class offering: a yearbook with photos of each child in the class!  

A truly special and personal class offering: a yearbook with photos of each child in the class!  

A truly special and personal class offering: a yearbook with photos of each child in the class!